Myths about Using Your Tools in Recovery, and Grief

In eating disorder recovery, therapy, and grief, we often talk about “using your tools.” Using your (healthy) coping mechanisms is so helpful! Support groups, journaling, expressive arts therapy, utilizing a food plan, hydrating, sleep hygiene, meditation, medication, can all be such helpful tools in your eating disorder recovery and/or grief process! However, sometimes we think that using these tools means we will arrive somewhere, at a destination endpoint, with no more discomfort. That is a myth. Here are some myths about recovery and grief coping tools I’d like to clear up.

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Eating Disorder Recovery and Grief: when are you done?

Grief, like eating disorder recovery, is individual. Although sometimes it can follow a trajectory like this recovery slogan:

It gets better

Then it gets worse

Then it gets different

Then it gets real different.

There are all kinds of metaphors about how grief is something you learn to carry more gracefully over time. The grief doesn’t get smaller. We grow bigger, around the grief, and learn to live with it differently. Here is a beautiful visual of Dr Lois Tonkin’s model of grief, which shows how the griever grows around the grief…

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